Cluster [02]
Algorithmic Thinking : Introduction to Processing
Tutor: Aman Jain
(qbrick Lab, MAA IAAC Barcelona, SmartLABS)
Date:31st July,1st & 2nd Aug 2020 (Friday to Sunday)
Time: 10 AM - 7 PM IST // 4:30 AM - 1:30 PM GMT
Duration: 3 DAYS // 7-8 Hours on all 3 days
Type: Interactive Tutorial Workshop
Registration Fee: INR 9000 // $120
Max. Spots: 20
[ Check ticketing platform(Explara) to see available ticket quantity ]
[ ] Workshop Title
Algorithmic Thinking : Introduction to Processing
[ ] Key Software / Tech to be taught
Processing IDE
[ ] Workshop Description
Algorithmic thinking is a 3 day workshop on programming for designers. Designers have traditionally steered away from coding and computation for designing until softwares like autocad, rhino ,grasshopper , sketchup, photoshop, illustrator, etc made it accessible to most of us. Although these software have digitized the workflow and improved efficiency, it hasn't transformed the design process i.e. a top down approach where computer is used as digital sketchbook for our ideas. Computational design is a design paradigm that employs algorithmic descriptions to define autonomous systems capable of generating design. Its a process where the computer functions as virtual assistant capable of making decision on its own and thereby affecting the design outcome. For this approach, its imperative to learn to code the underlying algorithms. This workshop is a platform for beginners to learn to code in a programming environment called 'processing' and create these autonomous systems. Workshop is structured for 3 days where attendees will be introduced to the basics of programming and standard protocols, learn to read & write code from scratch, manipulate existing code, play with code to produce graphics and explore computational design in the process. Workshop will comprise of fun-lectures, presentations, live guided coding sessions and individual exercises.Whether you are a graphic designer, architect, artist or designer, this course will arm you with fundamental coding skills using java, and the learning will be applicable across various design softwares like C# or python scripting in grasshopper or Dynamo, C# scripting in Unity, rubyScript in Sketchup etc.
[ ] Keywords
#computationaldesign #algorithmicthinking #generativedesign #codedart #autonomoussystems #java #coding #algorithmicdesign
[ ] Workshop Duration & Type
Duration: 3 DAYS // 7-8 Hours on all 3 days
Type: Interactive Tutorial Workshop
[ ] Detailed Schedule
Day 01
Session 01 (1 hr)
What is algorithmic thinking and how is it different from parametric thinking and intuitive design process?
What is Processing, and what can you do with it?
Session 02 (2 hr)
Basics of Coding : Code Structure & Syntax
Variables & Data-types : Input | Output
Session 03 (3-4 hr)
Repetition : ‘for’ loops
Data Structuring & lists
Pattern Creation
Animations & Motion Graphics
Day 02
Session 04 (3 hr)
Object Oriented Programming
Session 05 (4 hr)
Random Walker
Fractals, Recursive Algorithm
Agent Based Growth Simulation
Day 03
Session 06 (3 hr)
Complex System
Physics Simulation
Session 07 (3 hr)
Live Coding Exercise
Session 08 (2 hr)
Exporting and publishing Processing sketches.
Additional Resources for learning more
[ ] Tutor Details
Aman Jain (MAA, IaaC Barcelona | B.Arch, SPA New Delhi) is an architect, computation & interaction designer with over 6 years of experience working on numerous art and building projects. He has also been a teaching assistant at IaaC’s Global Summer School, 2018 and studio tutor at the Smart Labs 2.0 & 3.0 program. His work on automated drawings has been exhibited at the prestigious Arts Santa Monica gallery in Barcelona. His current research is an exploration into responsive built environments using computing, material, digital fabrication and data driven approach to create unprecedented sensorial experience through architecture.
[ ] Max Participants allowed
[ ] List of FAQ
Q1. Is this workshop for me?
A. If you are a design students who is venturing into parametric design or would like to learn an alternative design process, this workshop will teach you the basics of programming for computational design. It is advised that applicant must be good at basic mathematics like trigonometry, algebra and BODMAS.
Q2. I am already using grasshopper, how will this workshop benefit me?
A. Grasshopper is a node based, visual programming language which is primarily used for associative parametric modelling, which is a perfect starting point for most design students who work with 3D geometry. However, due to lack of fundamental understanding about coding and theoretical knowledge about computation design, students are limited in their design process and end up using grasshopper as merely a tool for 3d modelling rather than form generation. This workshop will teach fundamentals of coding for creative application and broaden your horizon to computational design as a powerful design process. Learnings are mutable across various design platforms like grasshopper, maya, Unity etc.
Q3. Do I need prior coding knowledge to attend this workshop?
A. No prior coding experience required.
Q4. What software is required for this workshop and why?
A. Processing IDE (
Processing is the preferred platform to learn coding for the following reasons:
• Open – source software
• Well documented with numerous video resources (e.g theCodingTrain) and books available. • Active and growing user community for discussion / queries.
B. Rhino 6
Q5. What are the applications of processing?
A. Although the primary focus of this workshop is to learn programming in the context of computation design, processing itself is a flexible software sketchbook based on java language which is primarily used for visual arts like:
• Texture and pattern generation
• Infographics
• Animations
• Digital Art
• Game Design
• Interactive experiences
• Live Performances
[ ] Recording Provided?
Partial Recording would be provided to safeguard workshop content by tutor.
Recorded version is made available after the workshop, on Cluster Tutor(s)'s discretion. (Free for participants; ticketed for non-participants)
Check Explara Ticketing platform for availability.
Recording is for personal academic use only & comes with copyrights to control re-distribution & transmission (to be signed by buyer).
Participation certificate NOT provided to buyers of recorded version.